Google Input Hindi Install

Posted : admin On 5/5/2019
Google Input Hindi Install Rating: 4,6/5 7503 reviews

This question already has an answer here:

  • Need Google Input Tools to type Telugu in Celtx 1 answer

How can I install Google input tools in Ubuntu 17.04?

Navod RathnayakeNavod Rathnayake

marked as duplicate by karel, Zanna, Kevin Bowen, Eric Carvalho, muruAug 4 '17 at 1:35

Free download novel terjemahan. This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

1 Answer

You cannot install it for general use on Ubuntu, as it is only available as a general download for Windows.

If you use Chrome or Chromium for your browser, however, you can install the extension from the Chrome extensions store, to use within the browser.

There are links to install it from


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